This is the one that everyone loves by Led Zeppelin. It is on the album below with the old man carrying the bracken on his back. There are other gems too and when I first heard this album, I was totally smitten.
Scrapbook things on many topics. Retro Brit continues adding blogs. New and growing interest every month.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
This is the one that everyone loves by Led Zeppelin. It is on the album below with the old man carrying the bracken on his back. There are other gems too and when I first heard this album, I was totally smitten.
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Eddie Cochran remains one of the all time favorites of early Rock and Roll. This is one of his most famous and everyone enjoys this song.
Queen Elizabeth I of England (One Mistress and no Master)
During the reign of King Henry VIII (1509 – 1547) most Englishmen believed the strongest rule came from the male monarch. It was not illegal for a woman to become a ruling Queen, but it was undesirable. This opinion was not only held in England but all over Europe. In some countries it was unlawful for a woman to rule as Queen.
The Tudor King Henry VIII spent most of his reign trying to father a son and caused radical change and turmoil in the pursuit. It might be argued that he inadvertently set off a chain of events that bore unforeseen good fortune for England.
His first wife was Catherine of Aragon – a noble Spanish lady that was married to his elder brother Arthur. He died before he could ascend the throne of England. After this, the young Catherine of Aragon was married to Henry – six years her junior. Catherine of Aragon and King Henry VIII were married for many years and were said to be much in love. However, only one child survived birth and infancy and this was a daughter named Mary. As the Royal couple grew older, Henry began to worry about a male heir to the English throne. He sought an annulment of marriage from the Pope, but Rome had a powerful friend in the super power nation that was Spain, where Catherine of Aragon’s family had sway in such matters.
Henry VIII broke with the Roman Catholic Church and formed the Church of England making him supreme on such matters. This Reformation caused chaos in England as all of the monasteries were closed. This brought about a very radical change in the social structure of the country. Some of the higher clergymen were allowed to have pensions and make do as best they could, while many of the lay priests were cast out into the unforgiving world. Many had to learn trades or even beg.
Now that King Henry held sway over his usurped church, he awarded himself an annulment of marriage to Catherine of Aragon and stripped his young daughter Mary of her royal title. He proclaimed her illegitimate – a harsh and devastating thing to do to one’s child.
He married a young courtesan called Anne Boleyn and hoped to father sons with her. They had all sorts of philosophers and churchmen read omens to predict the coming of a son for England’s glorious future, but instead, Anne Boleyn gave birth to a little girl called Elizabeth.
Unbeknown to Henry VIII this young daughter would grow to leave her mark on the world, but it would not be seen or appreciated by the self-obsessed king who was bound by the outlook of the times. The country needed a male heir – a king for the future of England.
Unbeknown to Henry VIII this young daughter would grow to leave her mark on the world, but it would not be seen or appreciated by the self-obsessed king who was bound by the outlook of the times. The country needed a male heir – a king for the future of England.
The birth of Elizabeth was regarded as a disaster by Henry and his royal ministers. The king had caused all sorts of upheaval within England and made terrible and dreadful enemies of the super power Spain and the Holy Roman Catholic Church. England had ostracised itself from the powerful organisations of their world – all this to marry Anne Boleyn and get another daughter. The new young queen (Anne Boleyn) was unpopular among the English subjects and many unfairly put the blame on her for bewitching their king into this dreadful error of judgement. Thus was the type of world that baby Elizabeth was born into.
The young baby Elizabeth was customarily separated from her parents like all young royals of these days. She was brought up by a governess called Lady Bryan. Her half sister and title stripped Mary was also at her side. Mary being some years older than her half-sister Elizabeth and resentful of the hand, fate had dealt her. However, Mary was not cruel to her younger half sibling and did try to get along with her. For a while, Elizabeth was Princess Elizabeth, but the same event would fall upon her as did her elder half-sister Mary.
Catherine of Aragon (Mary’s mother and first wife of Henry VIII) died and this presented the English king with an opportunity to be rid of Anne Boleyn without pressure to re-affirm his marriage to the Spanish royal lady from the powerful enemies his country had made. He accused Anne Boleyn of various crimes and had construed accomplices tortured into confessing allegations of adultery and other crimes against the state. The Queen was convicted and beheaded in 1536 when Elizabeth, her young daughter was two years old.
Elizabeth’s father quickly married another courtesan named Jane Seymour. She died a few days after giving birth to a son called Edward. Upon this news, Elizabeth was stripped of her title as Princess and proclaimed a royal bastard like her elder half-sister Mary. She was now Lady Elizabeth and the change in circumstance was not lost on the young girl.
The new half brother came to live with Elizabeth and Mary and both got on well with him. Elizabeth and Edward were very similar in their ways, unlike the elder sibling Mary who was regarded as a little stayed though older than the infant siblings.
Young Elizabeth was an avid learner and excelled in many things including languages. She could read, speak and write Latin, Greek, Spanish, and French. Also, she was very advanced musically and could play a number of instruments.
In the meantime her father king Henry VIII had gone on to marry a fourth wife called Anne of Cleves, but the marriage was dissolved as both parties were not taken with one another. When Henry VIII suggested an annulment, Anne of Cleves was happy to comply. She was given an estate and income for her convenient compliance. Henry VIII would refer to her as Sister in coming years.
The next unlucky lady to be married to the king was Catherine Howard. She was a cousin of Elizabeth through her mother Anne Boleyn and would suffer the same dreadful consequence.
Elizabeth enjoyed the company of Catherine and was shown some favour by her elder cousin and step mother. She warmed to her, but the joy was to be short-lived as Catherine Howard was accused of adultery when Elizabeth was just eight years old. The young Catherine Howard was beheaded aged just twenty-one.
Elizabeth enjoyed the company of Catherine and was shown some favour by her elder cousin and step mother. She warmed to her, but the joy was to be short-lived as Catherine Howard was accused of adultery when Elizabeth was just eight years old. The young Catherine Howard was beheaded aged just twenty-one.
Understandably, this installed a fear of marriage in young Elizabeth. She was becoming very aware of the fickle English court of power and the ambitions of people and the terrible fates that awaited them when things failed. In her brief eight years she had seen four wives married to her father. Two were executed, including her mother, one had died and one had been annulled, while her elder embittered half sister had seen her own mother cast aside before she was born.
Henry VIII died at the beginning of 1547 when Elizabeth was just thirteen years old. Her nine-year-old half brother was proclaimed King Edward VI of England. Elizabeth was to move into her teenage years and so would begin a time of great trauma and danger for the young royal.
Upon the old king’s death, Elizabeth went to live with Catherine Parr – the former step-mother and wife of late Henry VIII. She remarried a long time admirer called Thomas Seymour and he was the Lord Admiral.
Thomas Seymour developed an unhealthy sexual interest in the young Elizabeth and may have harboured ambitions if he could win the young girl’s favour. At so young an age it may have been that young Elizabeth might have developed a crush on the man too. He paid too keen attention to Elizabeth and when he started trying to sneak to her bed chamber, Elizabeth began to get up early and dressed before he could get there. After a time she was forced to leave the household but remained friends with Catherine Parr who was expecting Thomas Seymour’s child. Sadly, Catherine Parr died giving birth to a daughter.
Upon the death of his wife Catherine Parr, Thomas Seymour tried to peruse young Elizabeth who was just fifteen years of age. He wanted her hand in marriage, but young Elizabeth refused. She would, by this time, be wise to this person and the low opinions that ambitious men of the court had for their wives. Elizabeth had realised her value as a trophy royal wife for unscrupulous men.
How right she was to refuse Thomas Seymour and his plans to gain himself power. He planned a coup and tried to abduct young King Edward VI and force him to marry Lady Jane, but he was found out and intercepted before he could bring his plan to completion. Thomas Seymour was arrested for treason and the young Elizabeth was implicated even though she was believed to be innocent. At the tender age of fifteen, Elizabeth was subjected to a harsh interrogation. This went on for some time and the nerve of the young royal held firm. Thomas Seymour was found guilty of treason and executed. Elizabeth was acquitted, but the sorry affair caused bad feeling between her and her younger half-brother King Edward VI. It was some time before Elizabeth was allowed back at court and when she did return, the young Elizabeth was dressed in more pious clothes. This was to portray her chastity before the King and the court, dressing in dower black dresses and white aprons of a protestant lady.
This new period of acceptance was to be short lived. Again, new dangers reared a formidable and ugly head for Elizabeth. Her young half brother Edward VI became ill in 1553 from consumption. This time the English court was in total disarray because the elder half sister Mary (Daughter of Catherine of Aragon) was next in line – a Roman Catholic that would undo the radical change brought about by the late Henry VIII Reformation. Those in the court had built their coveted circumstance upon the break with the Roman Catholic Church – they had strengthened anti-pope feeling and made the Church of England a break away power against Rome. The Roman Catholic Mary would undo all this and restore the status quo before her mother’s marriage annulment. She would bring back the doctrines of the Pope and Rome’s holy influence. This would favour the super power of Spain as King Edward VI died in 1553 at the age of fifteen.
The English Protestants tried to resist Queen Mary and her attempt to bring England back into the fold of Roman Catholicism. This was because they feared Spanish domination. She burnt many Protestant priests at the stake and others that resisted conversion. The new queen became known as Bloody Mary.
Another attempted coup followed but it was put down and its instigator, Thomas Wyatt was captured and put on trial. Elizabeth was written into the planned coup to be married off to someone of high standing. Someone that might aid her if she was made a queen.
Again Elizabeth implored that she knew nothing of such plans and as a royal trophy wife she could have been secretly coveted by the noble born plotters without her knowledge. This is probably true, but Elizabeth was arrested and put in the Tower of London with some of her servants.
This time, young Elizabeth rode her luck to the extreme. Lady Jane Grey was again named in the coup as in the Thomas Seymour attempt during the late King Edward VI’s reign. On this occasion, Lady Jane Grey was not so fortunate. She was beheaded and shown no mercy by Queen Mary’s Catholic advisers.
Thomas Wyatt declared Elizabeth to be innocent of the plot before going to his execution. This caused problems for Queen Mary's Catholic advisers. The young Protestant royal was becoming far too popular in the country. Queen Mary was also reluctant to sign her half sister’s death warrant.
Elizabeth was released from the Tower and taken to a place of confinement in Oxfordshire. The dwelling was in a state of disrepair but suitable lodgings were found for Elizabeth who was guarded by a large force of soldiers under the command of Sir Henry Bedingfield. He was strict and imposed draconian rules on those that could come and go before Elizabeth. This was also for Elizabeth’s protection because there were English Catholics who supported Queen Mary and her attempts to restore Catholicism. They wanted Elizabeth dead with no hope of maintaining a Protestant kingdom. Despite Sir Henry Bedingfield’s harsh system, Elizabeth never held ill feelings towards the man in later years.
There came rumours that Queen Mary was pregnant from her marriage to Phillip of Spain and this news was received with great dread by the Protestant English who were terrified of Spanish domination. The news then changed. Queen Mary was not pregnant but gravely ill and besides Elizabeth, the only the other heir to the throne of England was Mary Queen of Scots, the daughter of Mary de Guise who was regent in Scotland. Although young Mary (Queen of Scots) was a Catholic, she was married to Francois, heir to the throne of France and a sworn enemy of Spain. The Protestant Elizabeth was suddenly a better pick of the bad duo to Spain’s thinking, or so the Spanish nation thought. They started to make plans with the fickle English court for Phillip of Spain to marry Elizabeth before the sick Queen Mary had passed away.
She would have to hold the Spanish at bay and the French. To the north, Scotland had Mary de Guise as regent for France’s ambitions. Queen Elizabeth would seem to have been born to this circumstance. She said, upon the news of her proclamation. “It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our eyes.”
As expected, her ministers were quick to start making plans for an alliance with either Spain or France, while Queen Elizabeth began to discreetly peruse her own plans. She would not marry Phillip of Spain and would not entertain any French suitor. Although it is believed she strung both nations along, buying time for herself. France was a problem because the Queen of Scots Mary and her husband Francois of France were already displaying England’s emblems on their Royal coat of arms and trying to secure recognition from Rome of Elizabeth’s illegitimacy to England’s throne.
Then in 1560 Mary de Guise, regent of Scotland suddenly died. Some believe she may have been poisoned by the English but it is generally believed she died of dropsy. Her death was convenient for Queen Elizabeth and then another turn of France’s misfortune became convenient for Queen Elizabeth. Mary Queen of Scots husband, King Francois II died in the December of the same year, leaving the Princess Consort (Mary Queen of Scots) widowed. She returned to Scotland to find her country in political turmoil. Protestant and Catholic were fighting one another.
Mary Queen of Scots had a difficult political time in Scotland. Her trials and tribulations brought her to England in 1568. Mary Queen of Scots was seeking refuge in Queen Elizabeth's England – a woman whose throne she had converted. Behind her was a dead husband, Lord Darnley who had been murdered in an explosion. Her faithful Italian servant had been brutally stabbed to death because of Lord Darnley’s anger and her new lover and husband Earl Bothwell was gone.
Queen Elizabeth was not comfortable with the arrangements but held the Scottish queen as a prisoner while pretending the Scottish queen was an honoured guest. Queen Elizabeth was able to support a Protestant Scottish regent, who ruled while the infant James VI of Scotland was growing up. Young James VI was Mary Queen of Scots son by Lord Darnley.
Queen Elizabeth had acquired a loyal and trusted service from a man called Sir Francis Walsingham. He had returned to the England upon Catholic Queen Mary’s death and Elizabeth’s inheritance of the English throne. This man had established good Protestant friends in Switzerland and among Huguenots in Europe. He was to be the Queen Elizabeth’s tenacious servant and spymaster.
Walsingham’s agents learned of a plot by an international banker called Riddolfi. This famous banker was organising an assassination of Queen Elizabeth in favour of Mary Queen of Scots. In 1571 Ridolffi acquired the agreement of Thomas Howard, the Duke of Norfolk to participate in the plot to kill his cousin, Queen Elizabeth. The Duke of Norfolk would then marry Mary Queen of Scots and thus usurp the English throne. Then they would win back Scotland for Mary to unite England and Scotland under Catholic control. The imprisoned Scottish queen also agreed to this.
Because Queen Elizabeth refused to accept any approaches of marriage from Spanish or French suitors, both countries were becoming at odds with the English queen. She new of her worth as a powerful trophy wife and any nation that could weld influence through her would gain added power.
As time progressed, the Spanish especially became more resentful at their loss of influence in English politics. Plus her sailors were causing great trouble for the Spanish navy and its trade routes from the Americas. The English referred to these sailors as pirates, but secretly they were indulged by the England's Queen Elizabeth. With no chance of Elizabeth agreeing to marriage proposals, the Spanish began to desire the removal of Queen Elizabeth. Mary Queen of Scots was no longer married to the enemy France, but held captive in England – the very country they wanted her to rule.
During the time leading up to this period of Elizabeth’s reign, she had been plagued and remonstrated by her court to marry. She was the last of the Tudors and with her passing, the Tudor dynasty would end if she could not marry and produce an heir. But Queen Elizabeth was faithful to her country and could not always trust the fickle men of court. Their support could be bought by another nation to champion a suitor, while others feared foreign intervention in England’s affairs. It is not known for sure if Elizabeth did not want to marry, but politically she was aware that England’s problems could be intensified if she did not choose the right suitor. Elizabeth had seen it happen with her half sister Mary. She liked the attentions of men, but always seemed reluctant to chance marriage.
Lord Dudley was already married and his father – the Duke of Northumberland had been executed during Queen (Bloody) Mary’s turbulent reign. Also, his Grandfather had been executed for treason too, a few decades previous. His family background was suspect and Lord Dudley himself had been imprisoned for his part in trying to secure Lady Jane Grey as Queen during the reign of Queen (Bloody) Mary. So, maybe the English court was right in suspecting Lord Dudley to be an ambitious social climber.
In 1560 – two years into the reign of Elizabeth, Lord Dudley’s young wife died under very suspicious circumstances. She had fallen down a staircase and broke her neck. Many suspected Lord Dudley of foul play to make way for marriage to Queen Elizabeth.
Elizabeth would not entertain any notion of marriage to Lord Dudley, especially after such a scandal, yet still, Lord Dudley seemed to remain in the queen’s favour and was often seen with her over the next ten years. How close this relationship was is uncertain. He may have been a type of male courtesan or just seen to be with her. Who knows for sure?
When Lord Dudley did marry again, Elizabeth was said to feel a sense of betrayal.
All during these times, the continuous courting and negotiations of the marriage game went on. Elizabeth and her ministers were beginning to develop survival policies for the queen’s reign. Every time the country was under threat, Elizabeth could enter into a consideration of marriage to an enemy of the nation that threatened England. It was logical thing to do in this day and age. Her status as a trophy wife was used as bait with many nations eager to win the hand of Queen Elizabeth and influence in her royal court. It seems that every time a match was found and an alliance began to be made, Elizabeth would then cool off and then rebuff the notion. If this was by design or on second thoughts it seems to have bought England time to face the storm that was approaching the country. It may have come sooner if it was not for the politics of the marriage game. The last time this contest was played out, the French Duke of Anjou came before Elizabeth. He was younger then her and the son of Catherine de Medici. This courting lasted for some time and would have most certainly been a marriage of convenience for both nations who opposed the super power of Spain. This also broke down on Elizabeth’s doing. She was now approaching fifty and this type of politics could no longer sustain England in fending off Spain. At such an age Elizabeth had no chance of producing an heir and no nation could take any marriage match seriously anymore. This time of pretend searching for such marriage alliance gave England the time to grow stronger. Little by little, her ships brought back plunder. More ships were built and exploration to the New World continued. Little England was beginning to pack a punch in the political world. She was becoming a pirate nation of the high seas.
From this time on, Queen Elizabeth no longer indulged in the game of finding marriage suitors. Elizabeth was now into a new part of her reign where she needed to keep a firm head upon her shoulders. Raw hard political decisions awaited her attention as a new threat would have to be confronted in a different way. She would meet the danger head on – cold hard resistance to a formidable enemy that she and her court did not under estimate. Though, perhaps the enemy would under estimate this Virgin Queen. The new trials and tribulation awaited. Elizabeth was going to stamp her name into history with feats that no one would forget.
As mentioned before, early in her reign, Elizabeth had gained a devoted and most sinister servant. The man was devious and cunning but all this was at the queen’s disposal, for the man looked up to her as someone much greater then himself. He loved Elizabeth as his queen and would not deviate or be corrupted by any who, he suspected, would bring his queen harm. The fickle English court feared him too and with good reason. If he decided anyone was disloyal to Queen Elizabeth he would find a way of exposing them. He had done so with the Duke of Norfolk during the Riddolfi plot.
Sir Francis Walsingham had gathered a successful ring of spies to protect the queen’s interests. His followers had infiltrated many areas of discontent and a steady stream of information was gathered by him. It was in this way that the Babington plot became known to him and thus a new attempt to usurp Queen Elizabeth had to be foiled.
Sir Francis Walsingham had gathered a successful ring of spies to protect the queen’s interests. His followers had infiltrated many areas of discontent and a steady stream of information was gathered by him. It was in this way that the Babington plot became known to him and thus a new attempt to usurp Queen Elizabeth had to be foiled.
This new plot was hatched with the imprisoned Mary Queen of Scots in mind. There were many sub movements that seemed to have fused into a major one and this was led by a young English Catholic called Sir Anthony Babington. To all appearances he was a Protestant, but in secret, a practising Roman Catholic. He knew the jailer who guarded Mary Queen of Scots and eventually began to secretly liaise with the Scottish Catholic queen, believing that she was the rightful ruler of England. He had been abroad and gathered support from foreign powers that wanted rid of Protestant Queen Elizabeth of England.
However, once again Sir Francis Walsingham and his complex spy network got wind of the plan in its infancy. They had captured a man named Gilbert Gifford and under interrogation, Sir Francis Walsingham had managed to persuade Gifford to re-enter the plot as a double agent. Gilbert Gifford did this to preserve his own life. This allowed Sir Francis Walsingham and his cunning ring of spies to allow the plot to widen and see who were implicated in the new enemy intrigue.
When the time came for Sir Francis Walsingham and his spy team to strike, it was swift and decisive. Sir Anthony Babington and his fellow conspirators were put to the torture and confessed all. In 1586 these wretched men were executed in the most horrendous way before the public. The first seven were humiliated and dragged through the streets towards the gallows. Of these conspirators, the twenty five year old Sir Anthony Babington numbered. These men did not hold a noble enough rank to allow a swift beheading. They were all to be hung drawn and quartered by executioners and tortures who were masters of their profession. All this was done before a cheering mob of people who had come to see the hated traitors die. By this period of Elizabeth’s reign she was extremely popular and much loved by most of her lay subjects. Most did not want Roman Catholic rule back.
This execution was so dreadful that when Queen Elizabeth heard of the horrendous cruelty, she ordered that another seven men to be executed in the following days should be left on the gallows until they were dead before proceeding further. This small mercy was complied with during the execution of the other seven plotters when their time came.
Because Mary Queen of Scots was implicated, she was put on trial and convicted of plotting to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I. Her trial lasted longer and the Scottish queen denied any involvement in the plot. This was the second time things had come to this. The first being the Ridolffi plot that saw Norfolk beheaded – now the queen of Scots was again accused of trying to win the throne of England.
Sir Francis Walsingham and more of Queen Elizabeth’s council implored her to sign Mary Queen of Scots' execution papers. Elizabeth did so with great reluctance. She was opening a Pandora box that would unleash the vengeance of the Spanish super power upon her nation. Yet while Mary Queen of Scots lived, she would never be safe. This was the second major plot now. Elizabeth had to make the cold a calculated decision.
The Armada was lead by the Spanish Duke of Medina Sidonia and the aim of this vast Armada was to sail to a place called Gravlines in Flanders and pick up a large army under the command of the Duke of Parma. This mission was to depose Queen Elizabeth I of England, stop English intervention in the Spanish Netherlands and stop English piracy in the Atlantic.
The Spanish Armada was sighted when it entered the English Channel and was followed to Gravelines in Flanders were the Spanish ships anchored to await the boarding of the Duke of Parma’s land army. The Spanish intended to take the army across the channel to invade England, but this never occurred. The English navy sent fire ships into the tightly compact Armada while it was at anchor. The Spanish ships were forced to scatter and in the ensuing battle the English managed to score a decisive victory against the Spanish navy. The Spanish army intended for invasion was still ashore in Flanders with no hope of getting across the sea to England.
For Spain, it was a disaster, but for Queen Elizabeth and her English subjects, it further enhanced the nation’s standing. All over Europe Protestant countries took heart from the victory.
Queen Elizabeth was now emulated to a higher standing among her subjects. Her court and her people were now extremely proud of her. England was entering into a golden age of prosperity and their queen was spearheading the way. It was a time of William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlow and other great artists. The nation was growing in self-esteem and Spain, as a super power, had little time left. England no longer feared her and English pirates continued to attack the Spanish navy in the Atlantic.
The last fifteen years of the Queen Elizabeth’s reign still had a few other plots. Most prominent was that of the Earl of Essex. Her devoted follower Lord Dudley died in 1588 just after the Armada and Sir Francis Walsingham died in 1590. Other trusted advisers also passed away and Elizabeth was suddenly isolated by the absence of men that had grown more devoted as followers during her prestigious reign.
A man named Robert Devereux was the stepson of the late Lord Dudley and he, along with other fresh young blood, was brought into the queen’s royal court. His title was the Earl of Essex and this young man was favoured much by Queen Elizabeth. He was brash, arrogant and spoilt by the queen’s regard for him. He was given the late Lord Dudley’s former position of Master of Horse. His quick rise to power was only matched by his quick fall from grace.
Elizabeth was furious with the Earl of Essex and banished him from the court. She stripped him of his titles and held him under house arrest. The spoilt Earl was furious and tried to write letters to the queen explaining his actions. Elizabeth would not listen and had reached the end of her tether with the arrogant and impulsive young Earl.
The Earl of Essex then tried to gather other disgruntled men and formed a plot to abduct Queen Elizabeth and allow Scotland’s King James VI to become England’s new king. The Earl led his force into London expecting the people to join him. He was deluded and mistaken. He and his cohorts were overcome and arrested.
The old Queen Elizabeth was shocked and dismayed by the brash Earl of Essex and his outrageous actions. He was put to death in 1601 and so ended the final threat to her rule. Queen Elizabeth died in 1603 at the age of seventy. Her passing was much lamented by her subjects. They had grown to love and cherish her. Even today, English people look upon her reign with fascination and great pride.
Why she was never proclaimed Elizabeth the Great is a mystery – she was, after all, a very great Queen. I think it may have been because Scotland's King James VI would become King James I of England, bringing about the foundation for the Union of Britain. Just England is not Britain. Scots would not have the same regard for Elizabeth I of England. Not the way the English do.
Elizabeth the Great by Elizabeth Jenkins
Sir Francis Walsingham: Courtier in an Age of Terror by Derek Wilson
Mary Queen of Scots and the Babington Plot
Why she was never proclaimed Elizabeth the Great is a mystery – she was, after all, a very great Queen. I think it may have been because Scotland's King James VI would become King James I of England, bringing about the foundation for the Union of Britain. Just England is not Britain. Scots would not have the same regard for Elizabeth I of England. Not the way the English do.
Elizabeth the Great by Elizabeth Jenkins
Sir Francis Walsingham: Courtier in an Age of Terror by Derek Wilson
Mary Queen of Scots and the Babington Plot
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Man in a suitcase (Retro tv series)
This is another theme tune I remember well. It stared Richard Bradford as an ex CIA agent and was very popular in the late 60s and early 70s. In the UK at this time, there was only three network channels. BBC 1, BBC 2, and ITV. I think these wonderful shows might have had a captured audience in the UK so they had a real good chance of getting up and running before a large group of viewers.
I think in today's more diverse market, some of these shows might not capture the imagination so much because there is such a wide choice available. This is more the pity really, but then we all do like choice. The trouble with too much choice is; I find myself sifting through the channels looking for something and when you watch just ten minuets of a show and then five or more of adverts it becomes taxing. I find it hard to concentrate and start channel hoping.
Moyra Melons bounces back with new ear rings.
Moyra Melons could not wait to show off her new white ear rings. She had purchased them while out shopping. Upon acquiring the ovoid delights, she was anxious to know what her husband would think of them.
Could you imagine the poor chap's surprise when he walked into the bathroom to see his darling wife, Moyra, thrusting these new round things before him.
"I require your utmost attention on these things my dear." Moyra demanded. "How will they look at the party tonight?"
"Well..." her poor husband dithered. "Perhaps a little coloured gown, to modestly conceal..."
"...I'm not trying to conceal these. I want them to be looked at," said Moyra.
"Good Lord," replied her perplexed husband as he came over in his usual hot flush. "I fear you might be going a tad too far my little petal?"
Moyra was a little vexed. "How far can one go with ear rings like these? The party goers either see them or not."
"Well there are other things that the party goers might happen upon, besides your scintillating ear rings Moyra."
"Like what?" she asked.
"Well..." her husband dithered again. Then a wicked smile creased his face. "Sometimes I think you pretend to be more naive then you really are my little petal."
He closed the bathroom door and I don't know what happened after that, but rumour has it that Moyra Melons realised that "Like What" might not have been the most appropriate question to ask. Still you live and learn don't you?
He closed the bathroom door and I don't know what happened after that, but rumour has it that Moyra Melons realised that "Like What" might not have been the most appropriate question to ask. Still you live and learn don't you?
Friday, 20 May 2011
The Sweeney - opening theme - intro
I used to love The Sweeny with Jack Regan and George Carter. The villans always had a jaguar on the bank roll jobs and the boys in blue drove a Ford Granarda with a back up of heavies in a van. The doors would burst open and there would be a big punch up with George screaming, "Look out guv! Hees gotta shooter."
And Jack would say, "eet im George."
Tv Theme Danger Man (Full Version)
This one brings back memories. Danger Man starring Patrick McGoohan as special United Nation's Agent, John Drake. He went on to do The Prisoner with another splendid theme tune.
Gene Vincent - Be-Bop-A-Lula
One of the original Rockabilly's - Gene Vincent was one of the great retro American Rock and Roll stars. He only lived to be 36 and died in 1971.
Alamo - a song by Marty Robbins
Another Marty Robbins song - this time about the Alamo. The Americans have a young history but it is rich and compelling. Many of their events are known world wide through big screen romantic portrayals and country and western songs. Everyone loves the romance of fledgling America blooming into a great nation.
(Radiogram Adventures) Adam Faith - What Do You Want
I saw Adam Faith in a grey or silver Mercedes the year before he died. It was in Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. I was driving my van back to the work yard and he was driving on the other side of the road. I knew the face and then the penny dropped. I think he might have been driving to the Palace or Westcliff theatre. Perhaps he was in a stage play. It would have been summer or autumn 2002.
This song was among one of my Mum's old 45s. She also had Greenfinger and Lonely Pup by Adam Faith. I used to find them among the radiogram's records in the container. I was watching him in a tv series called Budgie at the time. In Budgie, he played a petty crook and the world's biggest loser. Every week he would try a new 'get rich quick' scheme and it would always end in tears.
This song was among one of my Mum's old 45s. She also had Greenfinger and Lonely Pup by Adam Faith. I used to find them among the radiogram's records in the container. I was watching him in a tv series called Budgie at the time. In Budgie, he played a petty crook and the world's biggest loser. Every week he would try a new 'get rich quick' scheme and it would always end in tears.
Tv Theme Joe 90
Every one liked Joe 90, the eight year old secret agent who used to be sent on dangerous missions all over the world. No one ever suspected that there was anything strange about this eight year old sleuth travelling alone. Again the theme tune was great and it used to give little kids a rush of excitement as the intro came on.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Flamingos-Jump Children-b&w clip
The Flamingos doing their thing to the song; Jump Children in this wonderful B/W retro clip - a good old foot stomping number that gets the rhythm going in any one's blood. Even an in the kitchen geez like me... :)
Ironside TV Show Opening Theme Season One 1967
If a theme tune could sell a show, then I think Ironside took the biscuit with this wonderful gritty presentation of an American policeman turned private detective. As soon as this tune came on TV we were hooked.
I think today's tv is good, but those big orchestral intro seem so lacking now days. I thought 1960s American and British TV themes were often gripping. Perhaps there is too much choice today with hundreds of channels, but theme tunes are not what they used to be.
El Paso - Marty Robbins
My Dad used to always be playing Marty Robbins cowboy songs. The main one was Big Iron or Big Iron (on his hip) referring to the cowboy's gun. That one is probably one of his most famous - even in UK.
I've gone for this song called El Paso. The song is a great little ballad about an outlaw who falls foul of the law because of a wickedly beautiful Mexican lady. Marty Robbins brings it alive and the memory of my Dad in the 1960s.
Rolling Stones - "Jumping Jack Flash" 1968
This retro 1968 clip of the Rolling Stones singing Jumping Jack Flash. I was seven back then and can remember my Nan and Grandfather exclaiming, "What's the world coming too?"
I laugh now and wonder what they would think.
I laugh now and wonder what they would think.
Rutlemania "I must be in Love" From "A Hard Day's Rut"
From Rutland Weekend Television - this spoof send up of the Beatles was called The Ruttles. Eric Idle is one of the Ruttles' band members and the alternative Fab Four take the viewer on a comical send up journey through Retro 60s Britain.
Freddie Starr & Des O'Connor - Skye Boat Song
When I saw this tv clip of Freddie Star and Des O'Connor it brought back a laughable moment for me. Freddie Star used to crack me up when he looked into the camera with sincere eyes then messed everything up. Here he gatecrashes Des O'Connor singing the Skye Boat Song ( A number he did with Roger Whittaker) Freddie wants to do all the natural wild life noises to get the feel and mood of the song.
Jason King - Retro British TV series from 1970s
Jason King was the stylish international spy/detective/fiction writer. He used to wear horrendously trendy clothes and the woman used to fall for him all the time. He could also bash villains up without getting a hair out of place nor spilling a drop of wine, especially if it was a good vintage.
Monday, 16 May 2011
One of Keith Moon's Last with the WHO - Who Are You
I remember rushing out to buy this song. One of my favorites, but then they all are ... :)
The Who - Love reign over me
I've been going through a mad Who faze lately and this one is a favorites.
Eleanor of Aquitaine 1124 - 1204 (Queen of France then Queen of England)
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Eleanor of Aquitaine |
Eleanor of Aquitaine is a lady much favoured by historians and is an iconic figure of the middle ages. She lived a long and eventful life that was full of intrigue and subterfuge. Most learned people would agree she was no faint-hearted lady and had a strong instinct for survival.
Eleanor was born in the year of 1124 and became the Duchess of Aquitaine at the age of just 15. This made her extremely wealthy and powerful in her own right. Many men of noble birth, in Middle Age Europe, wanted the hand of Eleanor, but this young lady would never come to cheap. Most wealthy men of the age did not have enough power to attract the young Duchess of Aquitaine. The young joint king of France, Louis VII ruled with his father Louis VI. This rising king would soon have the full inheritance of a kingdom – a rich and powerful one. Eleanor married the young royal and gave him two daughters.
She became involved with her husband on the second crusade. Louis VII and the German King Conrad III joined their armies and with other European supporters led a combined Christian army against the Muslims of the Middle East. As the Army travelled south through the Balkans and into the Holy Lands they were met by a force of Turks and defeated in battle. The survivors of the Christian force included King Louis VII of France and King Conrad III of Germany. They managed to reach Jerusalem. The second Crusade was a disaster and when it was over Louis VII and Eleanor wanted to dissolve their marriage on the grounds of consanguinity. This meant their family lines were too closely intertwined and brought their close ancestry into question.
The annulment was congenial and granted. Eleanor’s two daughters were left in the care of King Louis VII of France. Eleanor regained her province of Aquitaine and within weeks she was married to a man nine years her junior. He was a young Duke of Normandy called Henry – heir to the throne of England. Two years later Henry was proclaimed King Henry II of England. Now Eleanor was Queen of a rich kingdom for the second time. She was Queen of England in 1154 – near or at thirty years of age with a twenty-one-year-old husband. She bore Henry II eight children, five boys and three daughters. She would give birth ten times during her lifetime.
The first of the five sons died but young Prince Henry, the second son, survived to grow to manhood along with three other brothers – Richard, Geoffrey, and John.
Also, King Henry II managed to capture Eleanor, his wife and queen, forcing his young son to come to terms with him. Henry II anger and distrust of his wife Eleanor were so inflamed that he had her imprisoned on her estate – his picked guards keeping watch on her from 1173 to 1189. Over the years the two had grown apart and the plotting against each other had finally spread among their children.
Young joint regent King Henry would never become full king of England. Ten years later he rebelled again and campaigned against his father King Henry II and his younger brother Richard the Lionheart. Young Richard would become King Richard I in 1189. The young joint king died of dysentery in 1183 at the age of twenty-eight.
When King Henry II died in 1189 at the age of fifty-six and the third son, Richard, was proclaimed King Richard I of England. He immediately had his mother Eleanor of Aquitaine released from her confinement. She was now sixty-five years of age and had been in captivity for sixteen years.
Her third son, Richard I, gave her real power and made her Queen Dowager and regent while he went away on the Third Crusade.
Eleanor of Aquitaine outlived the reign of her third son Richard I. He died in 1199. Eleanor finally died during the reign of her youngest son King John of England in the year of 1204 at the age of 81. She outlived all of her children save for King John. Despite being Queen of France and later Queen of England; Eleanor is best remembered as Eleanor of Aquitaine. A lady that married two kings and played a prominent role in Anglo-French history.
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