The Nephilim are meant to be an ancient race of giant beings that lived during the time of the Antediluvian civilization. This is from deep Bible scripture and before the time of the great flood that supposedly ended the reign of such supernatural beings – if supernatural they were?
Nephilim giants were a hybrid race fathered by God’s children – fallen angels( Benei Ha’ Elohim or watchers) that came down to Earth and took human women for their wives and had children with them – these offspring were Nephilim (Hybrid - Angels/Humans)
Their domination of Antediluvian civilization was said to be akin to terror and bullying, according to some religious scholars, though many love to argue the matter as it is a subject as broad as it is long and, just for an added pun; as it is tall.
It is possible that tyrant people (men or warriors) were given big reputations of being bullies or tyrants. A flood would put stop to any society that such people might create. I'm trying to look at people gossiping in ways we today are familiar with. There are no pictures and illiterate people would tell and exaggerate stories of someone powerful (good or bad.) I could well imagine a tribal leader of any society ruling by his might and with bloody retribution upon any that would challenge him. Others would go elsewhere and speak of a colossus bully. They would over-inflate such a thing word of mouth. Then generations later, such tribal leaders would have this exaggerated monument to their name. They may have helped to create such a thing by telling the people, they ruled, of a divine right. The ogre's (vicious tribal leader's) father being an angel born of a mortal woman would go down well. A primitive society would want to believe such things. They like the idea of miracles and divine things. When some learned scroll writer decided to put the story to paper, years later, they get the full-blown story with all the divine trimmings and only priests who believed in divine things were taught to read and write.
Please don't think I'm knocking religion. I'm just looking at all angles here. It would be great if such things were true, but photos can be morphed. I know and so do most people in the world today. There is no real evidence - just entertaining ideas. If these pictures were real, scientists would be able to extract DNA and all sorts of things from the bone. It just makes for interesting viewing. If people want to believe something, nothing in the world will convince them otherwise.
If there are such things as Nephilim, we only have stories from religious scriptures written long ago. If we can find dinosaur bones and Neanderthal bones; why not Nephilim? The pictures can only be backed up by DNA scientists, but I suspect they would not be allowed anywhere near such digs.
NW Creation Network
Additional Material.
The Quest for Supernatural Truth.
Simple legends often stimulate my interest. With the religious lore of supernatural beings, people might often scoff at such ancient and fanciful text. I often have. I think it was to rebel against certain school teachings.
I was taught about times of chaos. Masses of people wanting salvation and guidance from an almighty and all-knowing entity greater than themselves. All sort of cults or religions has developed across the world of humanity. I don’t believe such things. I could argue with any religion. I am sovereign of one realm. That treasured province of my mind with all its flaws and ignorance.
Yet now such harmony of mind is established, I can’t help picturing such created worlds in my mind’s eye. It is probable that celestial persons were not involved in our world disarray. But do you ever dream they were? There are Holy Scriptures. Report of diabolical supernatural creatures. Giants called the Nephilim. Did heroic humans stand against them? Perhaps David and Goliath might spring to mind. We love such tales and want to make them real. Even if they are not.
Mixing Science Fiction with Religious Scriptures.
I watched a simple science fiction movie and I began to think of these Nephilim celestial beings again. The science fiction film was called Prometheus. It was one of those, Ridley Scott, Alien movies. The beginning of the story made an impression. It presented the notion of a giant human being from another planet. This strange humanoid man had a wonderful mystic and powerful look. He was walking over some rocks on our planet Earth. It is before mankind came about. The giant man stops upon a final rock and looks out at a fast-flowing river. In the sky is a giant spaceship rising to the clouds. The glorious sci-fi presentation looked spectacular and tantalizingly Biblical. The water cascades over a precipice. A huge waterfall of rushing disorder. In the story, these giants are space travelers and they are later mentioned as engineers. They spread a DNA bio code. From this springs animal life including human. The whole scene is rather inspiring. It sucked me in and I enjoyed the movie. These engineers were meant to be a scientific fantasy of the Nephilim. The giants that stalked the world as a super race of warriors. The enormous men of the Bible.
Despite not being religious, I am often drawn to unexplainable things. Intrigue knows no boundaries and will invade even the most rational mind. If there is something on TV or an article about strange or paranormal topics, I am sucked in. I confess to being a total glutton for such swindles. I don’t believe a word of the scam. Yet something compels me to watch or read any probable deception placed before me. Perhaps I hope to find one that I can’t pass off with a flippant huff.
I’m not an atheist either. I’m in the ‘don’t know’ camp. I ponder the problem of life after death a lot. This is an indulgence that we are all susceptible to. I think there might be something on the other side. I just don’t know what. One way or another, I’m destined to find out. We all are.
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Giant Engineer of Prometheus Movie. |
Why are we compelled by myths?
Our archaeologists have found dinosaurs that lived over hundreds of millions of years ago. There are giant skeletons of such colossal creatures in museums all over the world. Yet many devout and religious people believe the ideology of Biblical writings. I understand that people could be indoctrinated during the middle ages. But today, with all the access we have to various types of knowledge?
If such giant people did exist we would have found remains. There are lots of photos containing images of giant skeletons dug up by people posing as archaeologists. Colossal skulls and bones with tiny humans digging up the remains. They look great at first sight. However, we all know photos can be doctored. The museums would happily display such marvels if they were real. The mind-boggling discoveries would be world news. Sadly Nephilim celestial beings are not true.
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Fake Photos Are Every Where. |
Real People of our World.
There are abnormally tall people who may qualify as such, but these people have genetic disorders. We have remarkably large races of people in Africa. The Zulus are very tall people. Also, exceptionally small people if we consider Pygmy tribesman. They are very slight in height and build. Sometimes I wonder whether African peoples who traveled to the Middle East may have told stories of these strange tribesmen. It got passed on among other cultures and corrupted in some way over generations. Then when peoples began to write, bards and other types of fable tellers dictated corrupted versions of the ancient tales.
Perhaps many of us want to find something of the vast unknown we are going to before we get there. Everyone wants to jump the gun or indulge the concept at odd moments through life. We hope for clues of celestial beings. Just a real and unchallengeable fact that might lend support to the existence of something greater than us human beings. I don’t believe in Christianity, but when I first watched the movie called The Exorcist, I was petrified. Then when I’m rational, I tell myself that I do not believe such things. Is there some deeply routed psych buried within us? Some instinct in all animal life? A code or program in all DNA?
I see many things that I’m sure are elaborate hoaxes. I'm positive the photo shoot of the giant skeleton in this article is doctored. However, I’m always compelled by strange scriptures from religious documents. Again, I don’t believe such things. Even if I would like some of the fabrications to be true.
I remember reading about celestial beings that are called Nephilim. These giant human beings are spoken of in the Bible. (Genesis 6: 1-4.) A race of superhumans that were hybrids. They are reported to be the sons of fallen angels who took mortal human women as their wives. The relegated supernatural beings are described as sons of God. One would assume that there were Nephilim women offspring too. To my knowledge, religious scriptures don’t mention female Nephilim. Surely these reduced divine beings and mortal women did not have exclusive male offspring. I often wonder how the writers of the scripture came by such parables in the first place. The mind that created such beings must have been inspired by a source from somewhere. Perhaps before writing developed. Maybe from word of mouth by lyricists around a tribal campfire. Lots of tribes all over the world would surely have versions of tales about giant warriors.
Fables are enjoyable. Yet sometimes I wish we could find something that was true yet mind-blowing on the supernatural scale. A positive fact to prove there is life beyond our world. Whether from another star system or from a celestial source. Many of our planet's diverse cultures have stories of a great flood. We all know of Noah and his arc. Caucasian explorers went to Africa and came across an isolated tribe called the Khoikhoi. Sometimes they are referred to as Hottentots. These people had a tale of a great flood across the world. They saw a giant boat with a huge house upon its deck. It is a small issue I admit, but I can’t help clutching at little things like this. So many obscure cultures have stories of a huge flood. So many cultures have stories of giant men. Men like Nephilim.
Some people dismiss logical things to believe indulgences they want to be true.
Considering the number of “ministries” making a living off of Nephilim and “giants” (whatever that vague, generic and subjective term means) the biblical record about Nephilim is very simple: they are the offspring of the “sons of God” Angels and human women, we have no reliable physical description of them and the last of them died in the flood—never to return again, by the way.
Period: that is the end of it as far as the Bible is concerned.
One reason to ignore the term “giants” is what I already noted and another is that, that term is used not to identify but to pseudo-translate the Hebrew term Nephilim. However, the same translations that do so, also use the term “giants” to pseudo-translate the Hebrew term Rephaim.
Yet, the former are strictly pre-flood hybrids and the latter strictly post-flood mere humans. Thus, translating both as giants only causes confusion as some people chase the English term giants around the Hebrew Bible and end up correlating things that the text never correlates.
So, for example, when you write, “Perhaps David and Goliath might spring to mind,” Goliath would only spring to mind on the “giant” side but not the Nephilim side because he was a Philistine, they are considered Anakim and they are considered Rephaim. Plus, Hebrew manuscripts have him at just shy of 7 ft. and Greek ones have him as just shy of 10 ft. Yet, considering that the average Hebrew male of those days was 5.5 ft. even a 6.5 ft. warrior was a “giant” and very intimidating.
Read the book of Enoch.
Read it for what, friend?
Read my book "In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch":
The Book of Enoch isn’t in the Bible. Where do you find it?
You can read my book "In Consideration of the Book(s) of Enoch":
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