Wednesday 26 September 2018

The Reverse of the Medal by Patrick O'Brian (My Goodreads Review)

The Reverse of the Medal (Aubrey & Maturin #11)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I started this yesterday and today I finished it. I could not put it down as a new development comes about. Another great yarn in the Aubrey/Maturin series. Once again Jack Aubrey proves he is a dab hand as a seaman. He chases an American commerce raider across the sea after leaving the West Indies. It is a nail-biting chase and the American ship is handled well by an experienced crew. Again, as much as Captain Aubrey is splendid at sea, he is a Buffon on land. It's as though his good sense deserts him when he steps off of the ship. In this story, he lasts a few hours before he gets himself into a diabolical mess. His naiveness of financial markets and stock exchange lands him in terrible trouble. His trusted friend Steve Maturin is splendid on land and a Buffoon at sea. These two friends complement each other. Maturin must do much to aid his friend in this part of the Aubrey/Maturin saga. I absolutely love these novels. They would make a dynamic TV show. The Movie was very good but the novels are something else. Splendid stuff. I can't wait to read the next one.

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