My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A very entertaining audiobook. A Big Finish product. The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davidson) and his companion Nyssa land on the planet of Mondas. Doctor Who fans will know that Mondas was Earth's twin planet with a humanoid race living upon it. They are, of course, Modasians. The last remnants of Human/Mondasians are living under curfew. Each night squads of Cybermen come out to collect the last people for the processing factories. This was a Genesis of the Cybermen story and very compelling. If you are a Doctor Who fan, then this story is a must. Primitive Cybermen like those in the last William Hartnell story are rather chilling as they patrol the back streets of a dying civilisation in the last throws of extinction. Slowly person by person, being converted into the unfeeling and coldly logical Cybermen.
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