Sunday 19 August 2018

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke. (My Goodreads Review)

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A strange and bizarre world of Britain during the Napoleonic period. Mr Norrell seems like a rather bland and boring man. Yet he is a magician. A good one too. He is very reclusive and hides away from the world. The characters in this story are wonderful. Especially when, after a time, Johnathan Strange comes into the tale. The reclusive Mr Norrell has managed to stop some of the less reputable magicians, from the North of England, from practising. He reluctantly moves to London and equally reluctantly starts to socialise with affluent people. His magic soon becomes a talking point as he starts to indulge some peoples' and government's needs. There is also a parallel world where fairies communicate during spells. The story is rather deep in parts but very entertaining. If you like Dickens type characters or Titus Groan etc, I think you will be a big fan of this story. A splendidly written work.

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