Saturday 25 May 2019

The Duran - A splendid conservative news-media platform.

On YouTube, I like to watch and listen to a conservative news-media platform called The Duran. This news outlet covers news events with up to the moment analyse of current affairs. They allow for near future speculation or consequences deriving from today's current affairs. 

Because I'm a Brit, the big thing with me is the twists and turns of Brexit. These guys, on The Duran, always seem to have a finger on the pulse. 

It is an interesting news-media presentation with questions and precise well-worded answers. The interviewer gives the guest time to talk about all sorts of angles. He does not interrupt and lets the guest get points of view across. This makes for good listening.

I've subscribed to the YouTube channel purely because of the many Brexit chats that are occurring. Obviously, with Theresa May's political downfall yesterday, (Friday 24th May) - I was hoping for some form of news-media debate about the subject. I was not disappointed. 

If you would like a splendid conservative news-media analysis, I would strongly recommend giving The Duran a try. 

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