Saturday 25 May 2019

The Fenland Garden in March, Cambridgeshire, England - UK.

The flowers are beginning to bloom now. Lots of little delights. The wife is in her element because she loves the garden. The fish are multiplying. The various breeds of birds are coming to the feed tables. With this comes the Sparrow Hawk who seems to know that birds tables mean Sparrows or other types of small birds to eat. 

Wicked aspects of nature when we see fledgelings emerge and fall victim to the Sparrow Hawk. The bees are out too. A usual thing when flowers bloom. It is all very tranquil in some ways. Also cruel from the predator and prey point of view. But then nature must take its course.

Today is going to be a splendid day. I just know it. The sun is out and old retro aircraft are flying over from the Duxford air show. All kindly things for a relaxing afternoon.

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