Saturday 17 December 2011

France Anger at UK Veto of New EU treaty.

It’s all getting very nasty now the French are throwing their rattles out of the pram. This sort of thing just hardens people’s resolve. The UK wants the Euro to succeed and get out of the mess it is in. The UK is outside of this but still a member of the European Union. Despite being outside of the Eurozone; (Countries that use Euro currency) the UK is still obliged and will help financially to get the Euro back on track. We will not sign the fiscal Union of the new amended treaty because it threatens our banking industry in London. We do not want to drive them overseas. Because our British Prime Minister David Cameron Vetoed the new treaty on the basis of the banks; France is now acting like a spoilt little baby and making an already bad situation worse. David Cameron came up against the Eurozone countries stubborn resilience concerning this matter. So he chose not to enter the UK into the new treaty agreement. He had no choice and the UK will not be blackmailed by France on this matter.

Again this wins votes for the anti-European movement in Britain. Many British people want the UK to remain in Europe, but there are a large number that want to quit. Sooner or later one of the main political parties will fight an election on the referendum vote. This could be dangerous for the UK, because decades of work within the European Union will go to waste. However, when one is confronted with this type of French winging; it forces one to wonder if being united with such a fickle government is worth it.


Anonymous said...

"it forces one to wonder if being united with such fickle people is worth it"
It would be more appropriate to say
"with shuch a fickle government" as lots of French people share your views and are fed up with all this political/financial mess up. In times of serious trouble, our two countries have always stood up together. Our govt should remember that but sadly they have a very short memory.
Compliments on your blog, very different and very interesting indeed ! Bravo !

escole61 said...

Thank you for your comment, and I agree with you on the basis that it should be 'government' and not a whole nation of people. I have done as suggested and corrected the blog.

I am more hopeful, since writing the above, as there now seems to be moves to try and find a way forward by the rest of the EU and Britain.