Friday 10 March 2017

Joy of the Fenlands and the low flying Buzzard.

We sat in the bird hides for a long time waiting for a raptor. Sometimes a Marsh Harrier, sometimes a Common Buzzard. Also a Short Eared Owl. There were some in the distance but they were too far for a clear photo shot. Paul, Carole and I chatted away and watched many of the water birds on the flooded fen. Our dog, Dotty was beginning to go dotty sitting in the bird hide. She wanted to get out and run along the bridal path of the dyke. In the end, we gave in to her desires to walk along to the next hide.

It was a good call because a Common Buzzard glided majestically across the clear blue sky at a close level for me to get a few shots. My son, Paul enjoyed the sight and has been speaking of falconry for some time now. 

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