Monday 26 November 2018

Cast, Crew and Carnage; the Filming of Castlewood by Veronica Cline Barton(My Goodreds Review)

Cast, Crew, & Carnage; the Filming of Castlewood Manor (2)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the first story, Cherrywood Hall wins the rights for the new and exciting TV saga serious called Castlewood Manor. This is done with the help of a distant American cousin who helps the aristocratic family in the contest. The American lady is 27 years old Gemma Lancaster Phillips.

In this second story, Gemma is organising various promotional events for the up and coming show. They have a wide range of publicity agents and helpers among the British upper classes who want to help. There are models for the period costume designs. TV interviews etc. All manner of things is happening. Gemma Lancaster Phillips is in the thick of it and in love with her distant Lancaster family cousin, Kyle. Everything is going swimmingly well. Until diabolical scheming and then murder rears an ugly head.

Gemma finds herself the target of attention from the fiendish and anonymous attentions of un-well-wishers. A splendid who is doing this read. Lots of great characters too. If you like Murder Mystery and suspense with upper-class glamour, champagne and paparazzi, I’m certain you will like the Cherrywood Hall sagas.

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