Wednesday 22 September 2010

Is Her Majesty taking things too far?

We are all vexed by the cut backs in government spending, but I think Her Majesty is going over the top and getting a tad frustrated with the National security cut backs.

It has been rumoured Her Majesty thinks she could do a better job then some of the agents coming up through the ranks. Many are of the opinion that these new chaps get their 'o-o' numbers far too quickly, which undermines the once prestigious British agent qualification.

Many can understand Her Majesty's frustration and lack of confidence, but others say her new approach is demoralising these new brave young men of the security services. What do you think?

Her Majesty is going all DIY on the bodyguard angle and has been attending night school, taking a crash course on regal security enforcement. I understand the Queen approached the course enthusiastically and now sets about her royal duties with great aplomb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right Phil. I'll take out the front tyres while you distract the paparazzi. Then we're leaving Paris for good.