Sunday 17 October 2010

David Icke speaks out against global conspiracy (true or false?)

David Icke is well known for speaking out against, what he believes is, global conspiracy. He gets a lot of air time and media coverage, but I sometimes wonder if people get sucked in by what they want to believe. After all, conspiracy theories attracts a lot of attention and I can't help believing that if you want to be heard; the good old conspiracy thing attracts people like a magnet. Even if there is nothing of the sort, sometimes people believe, because they want there to be such things.

However, when you listen to someone who is articulate like David Icke, it is easy to be sucked in. I think you need to take a step back and look at yourself and your own individuality before taking global conspiracy on board. I'm not trying to under mine David Icke, but I find an over all co ordination of global conspiracy hard to swallow - interesting though it may be.

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