Saturday 8 June 2013

How UK World Exports Smash EU Decreasing Trade

UK World Exports Smash EU Decreasing Trade

UK Confidence in EU could begin to acquire greater scepticism from big business corporations if the recent trends continue. The UK's goods exports to the rest of the world, outside EU, grew by 11 per cent last year. However, the exports to 26 European Union nations fell by 1.5 per cent.

With the British electorate becoming more disgruntled with EU regulation and working laws and mainly big multi-corporate institutions supporting continued EU membership; the gap is widening between the for and against UK desire within the EU. Small business are becoming more hostile because of over regulation on working and employment practises and some of the up and coming entrepreneurs don't speak against it or for it. Many seem indifferent with the idea, believing good business is where you find it. If not in the EU; there is a big world out there.

Can the UK find it in the shrinking demand from the EU? The UKIP political party believes that EU over regulation is a strong contributing factor. This dwindling and unattractive market looks meek with sales figure concerning rest of world trade. This gains increasing support for UK exiting EU and unshackling EU regulation within our UK working industry. Once the economics of the EU are seen to be clearly not working for the UK, there will be stronger resentment towards the EU. Money talks, and with political ethics already walking away, who can say how the future looks? 

Economics and ethical views rarely walk hand in hand, but sometimes, on odd occasions, they can be seen to be. Large portions of the UK electorate regard the EU as a high jacked project or one that was always deceptive. This political ethic could always be undone by economical benefit and reality. However, once the economic advantage begins to diminish; economics and (seen to be) helpful ethics will gladly jump into bed with one another.

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