A company based in Paris called NANOBIOTIX have designed minute nanite machines that contain transmitting and amplifying qualities of mind-boggling veneration. These tiny probes can target a tumour inside a human body. The nanites are coated with a biological residue, which surrounds them in a bio-bubble. Imagine a cod liver oil tablet with a small mechanism inside it. Then shrink it so small that five thousand of these minute cod liver oil tablets (our nanites) are linked together like a necklace. We would have a five thousand piece necklace in our Nanoworld that could circle the girth of a human hair. This now gives you the perception of how small one of these innovative nanites is. These tiny molecules are a new army in our battle against cancer.
If thousands of these nanites are introduced into the human system and directly target a tumour it allows cancer patients to have extremely focused treatment upon their malignant tumours without damage being done to surrounding healthy tissue.
Cancer is often treated with patients going into chemotherapy, where they are exposed to large doses of radiotherapy. This method can often destroy cancer but surrounding healthy tissue is also exposed to x-rays and becomes damaged. This is because the radiation must pass through healthy tissue to access the target. Sometimes chemotherapy can’t be completed because too much healthy tissue is affected by the toxicology of the radiation. The patient becomes ill and can’t take any more treatment. A cancerous tumour often survives and redevelops after chemotherapy. Thus chemotherapy often fails. For many years biological science has sought ways to overcome this problem. Now hope is upon us with new pioneering nanotechnology which offers the option of directly attacking a malignant tumour without destroying the healthy tissue surrounding the cancerous growth.
Imagine the human body as a commercial building like a bank with cashiers and customers functioning within. These efficient and necessary people are supposed to be like the cells in our body’s healthy tissue. Then an armed robber enters to hold the bank to ransom. He becomes the body’s cancer. Outside, the police are the surgeons, who have to deal with the robber who has caused the bank to stop functioning.
Chemotherapy is often like our imagined policemen throwing a large bomb into the bank where the robber is standing. They get the robber and accept that many cashiers and customers are going to get caught in the explosion. The robber may also survive and be able to function. So sometimes this is not always a success. If we understand this we see the idea of why chemotherapy is a hit and miss method of treatment.
Nanotechnology allows the imagined cops to have sharpshooter snipers to target the source directly. Imagine a bullet coated with poison hitting our bank robber. Imagine many hitting him. The target gets all the attention and the cashiers and customers (our healthy tissue) don’t get harmed by the robber’s prejudicial treatment.
Once our nanites settle upon a cancerous tumour they can act as transmitters and amplify large numbers of electrons directly into the cancer cells causing them to break down and die. The surrounding healthy tissue is left unaffected and the patient is not made ill by overexposure to radiotherapy. The toxicology risk of chemotherapy is removed and stronger doses of radiotherapy can be used directly at source on malignant cancer without too much radiotherapy passing through and causing damage to healthy tissue. A tumour cannot escape high exposure. It will not redevelop due to patient inability to withstand more intensive radiotherapy. The problem is minimalized by the nanites amplification of electrons at the source.
The nanite particles enter the body by different approaches and Nanobiotix has three methods of infiltration and assault so far. They are called, in Nanobiotix company terms; NBTX 3, NBTX IV and NBTX TOPO.
The NBTX 3 way is to inject directly into a tumour allowing the nanite molecules to settle inside the malignant growth. The bio coated nanite’s inorganic particle sits there – a crystallized hafnium oxide mechanism. This inorganic molecule has to transmit and amplifying qualities that are five times higher than silicon oxide. If the hafnium oxide comes into contact with small bursts of radiotherapy; the peppered mechanical particles within a tumour will begin to transmit amplified doses of electrons directly into the surrounding malignant cancer cells. The effect of any nanoparticle immersed inside the malignant growth is aggressive and vicious to the cancer cells. The intense pulse of amplified electrons, coming from our nanoparticle, destroys the immediate cancer cells quickly. This particular method gives Nanobiotix an attack capability that becomes amplified within the targeted danger zone with small doses of radiotherapy.
NBTXIV is a method done by intravenous injection into the vein. The nanites go into the body via the blood circulatory system. The nanoparticles will settle upon a tumour and surrounding tissue that may have been infected too. This is a more advanced stage of cancer. When the hafnium oxide within the nanoparticle begins to transmit and amplify with radiotherapy, the cancer cells are once again destroyed with stronger chances of preventing surviving cancer cells escaping to lymph glands to be dispersed and grow somewhere else into a new malignant tumour.
The other phase is known as NBTX TOPO and is used in a gelled paste. This is when an operation has been done to directly cut out a malignant growth. The gel is coated upon the wound and will enable nanite molecules to transmit and amplify radiotherapy into the cut, where malignant cells might remain. It becomes a clean-up process after the surgery.
Nanobiotix has tested patients with this nanotechnology and results have been very encouraging. Also with the advancement of nanotechnology; biological engineering can move towards better innovations in the future. What has been achieved up to now can only be improved upon, allowing us all a brighter outlook for future confrontations with the various forms of cancer we are confronted with.